Chip Sullivan

Chip Sullivan
Ascent From COVID 19
Signed and numbered archival digital prints $200
Limited Edition of 10, plus 2 Artist’s Proofs
14″ x 11″ image on 19″ x 13″ Fine Art archival cotton paper

Chip Sullivan Ascent from COVID 19 Artist Statement
Ascent from COVID 19 is a contemporary reinterpretation of the Myth of Persephone. While gathering flowers, she was forced to decend into the Underworld, only to reemerge with the birth of Spring.
Our COVID journey is also a reliving of the ancient Rite of the Eleusinian Mysteries in which the community descended into Pluto’s Cave, engulfed in the darkness of the Underworld, experiencing Terror, confronting Death, then just as all hope is lost – remerging into the sunlight and bountiful Spring!
This Rebirth takes onto a new journey illustrating the regenerative potential of nature and the creation of new plant pieces for maximum bio-remediation!
This new garden of Eden is tended by giant bio-bots, surrounded by a revived nature. Ultimately we see a metamorphosis into a higher form of consciousness and hope for a new future at the summation of society’s journey -Chip Sullivan
“I approached the very Gates of Death, I set one foot on Persephone’s threshold, yet was permitted to return, rapt through all the Elements” –Apulius 2nd century AD
Chip Sullivan BIO
Chip Sullivan is an artist and professor of landscape architecture at the College of Environmental Design, UC Berkeley who has devoted his career to promoting landscape architecture as an art form. Sullivan is the author of many popular titles in the profession, including Drawing the Landscape, Garden & Climate and Illustrated History of Landscape Design, co-authored with Elizabeth Boults, ASLA. His latest book, Cartooning the Landscape (UVA Press, 2016) concerns the metaphysics of drawing and learning how to ‘see. The Foundation for Landscape Studies selected Cartooning the Landscape for the 2017 John Brinckerhoff Jackson prize for accomplishment in the field of garden history and landscape studies. In the spring of 2009 Sullivan was awarded a fellowship at the MacDowell Colony, the renowned arts community in Peterborough, New Hampshire.
In 1999 Chip received a Rockefeller Foundation grant to the Bellagio Study Center in Lake Como, Italy, and a fellowship at the Ligurian Center for the Arts and Humanities in Bogliasco, Italy. He was the 1985 Fellow in Landscape Architecture at the American Academy in Rome. Sullivan was the subject of a documentary titled “The Professor” for a series of films on creativity by Emmy award winning director Allan Holzman. Chip is 2016 recipient of the Jot D. Carpenter Teaching Medal one of the highest awards the American Society of Landscape Architects presents each year and recognized significant excellence in landscape architecture education.
Chip Sullivan CV
College of Environmental Design
University of California, Berkeley
**denotes activities since 7/1/2012
*denotes activities since 7/1/2003
- Education
Art Students League, New York NY Painting and Drawing, 1982
University of Florida, Gainesville FL Master of Arts in Urban and Regional Planning, 1977
University of Florida, Gainesville FL Bachelor of Arts inLandscape Architecture, 1974
- Teaching Experience
Professor, Department of Landscape Architecture and Environmental Planning
College of Environmental Design, University of California, Berkeley; 1987-present
**Program Director, The Passion of Van Gogh, Summer painting workshop in Provence and Dordogne, France; San Francisco Arts and Humanities Institute; 2011
*Program Director, Santa Barbara Gardens Sketching and Painting TourPacific Horticulture Magazine and the Western Horticultural Society; 2008
*Co-founder and Director, Italian Summer Study Abroad, independent study course for LAEP
College of Environmental Design, University of California, Berkeley; 1994-1999, 2004, 2007
Visiting Professor, International Laboratory for Architecture and Urban Design, San Marino, Italy;
Summer 1994, 1995
Visiting Critic inDesign, Department of Landscape Architecture, Graduate School of Design,
Harvard University, Cambridge MA; 1986
Expression in the Landscape, a design studio co-taught w/Peter Walker
Problems of Practicing Landscape Architecture as Art, a seminar co-taught w/Peter Walker
In addition, Mr. Sullivan has been a visiting critic at the following universities and educational institutions:
#Arizona State University, 2015-2019
# UC Davis, 2016-2019
**University of Georgia, 2014
**Clemson University, 2008, 2014
**University of California, Davis, 2005-2015
**UC Berkeley Extension, Landscape Architecture Certificate Program, 2005-2015
**Colorado State University, Fort Collins CO, 2012, 2014
**Virginia Polytechnic and State University, Blacksburg VA, 2008, 2012
*University of Texas, School of Architecture, 2011
*University of San Francisco, 2009
*University of New Mexico, School of Architecture, 2005
*California College of the Arts, San Francisco, 2004
*California Polytechnic and State University, San Luis Obispo CA, 1994, 2004
University of Kentucky, Department of Landscape Architecture, Lexington KY, 1996, 1997, 1998
Florida International University, School of Architecture, Miami FL
Radcliffe College, Harvard University, Landscape Architecture Program, Cambridge MA
State University of New York, Buffalo
The Palladian Center, Vicenza Italy
University of Miami, School of Architecture, Miami FL
University of Toronto, College of Architecture, Ontario Canada
- Professional Experience
Professional Design and Illustration Consultant:
*Ron Herman Landscape Architect Inc., San Leandro CA; 2000-2010
*GLS landscape | architecture, San Francisco CA; 2002-2007
*Douglas Miller Landscape Architect, Carmel CA; 2005
Illustration Consultant:
**Graphic Designer and Artist for marketing/promotion of musical production, Come Get Maggie, 2012
**Artist for Puckrose Salvage,graphic novel proposed by Tom Hammock and Jacob Forman, 2012
**Illustrator for children’s book My Christmas Gift, by Pat McCulley, Interdimensional Press, 2012
*Professional renderings for educational materials, East Bay Municipal Utility District; 2001-2005
Professional renderings for the Center for Urban Education about Sustainable Agriculture; 2002
Professional renderings for Stephen Arnn, Architect, San Francisco CA; 2002
Landscape Architect and Planner, Sasaki Associates Inc., Coral Gables FL and Watertown MA; 1977-1986
Project designer and master planner for a broad range of projects including residential, urban open space, parks and community spaces. Involved in all aspects of project design and management from initial concept planning to the preparation of construction documents.
Planner, Center for the Wetlands, University of Florida, Gainesville FL; 1977
Helped to develop advanced techniques for energetic land use mapping
Graduate Student Assistant, Division of Planning and Analysis, University of Florida, Gainesville FL; 1973-1976.
Responsibilities included rendering, site planning master planning and design of campus facilities.
Planner/Renderer, Richard Tarbox Land Planning, Gainesville FL; 1972-1974
Summer Intern, Harlan Hanson, Land Planning and Design, 1972
- Awards and Fellowships
# College of Fellows inductee, Council of Educators in Landscape Architecture, 2018
#Arts Research Center Fellowshipwith graduate student collaborator Gene Stroman; Townsend Center for the Humanities, University of California, Berkeley; 2018
**Jot D. Carpenter Teaching Medal, American Society of Landscape Architects, 2016
**Visiting Scholar, British School in Rome, 2015
**Honor Awardfor Cartooning the Landscape, Council of Educators in Landscape Architecture, 1stannual art exhibition, 2014
**Arts Research Center Fellowshipwith graduate student collaborator Robert Glass; Townsend Center for the Humanities, University of California, Berkeley; 2012
*Fellowship/Residency, The MacDowell Colony, Peterborough NH; Spring 2009
*First Place Award, East Bay ExpressComic Competition, 2008
*Bronze medal for A New Arcadia, San Francisco Flower and Garden Show, 2007
*Excellence in Teaching Award, Council of Educators in Landscape Architecture, 2007
*Nomineefor UC Berkeley’s Distinguished Teaching Award, 2006, 2007, 2009
*‘Everyday Hero’ Awardfor instructors who go above and beyond the call of duty, UC Berkeley Undergraduate Office of Student Research, 2005
Merit Award for Communication, Garden and Climate, American Society of Landscape Architects, 2002
Visiting Artist and Scholar, American Academy in Rome, 1999 & 2000
Fellowship, Rockefeller Foundation, Bellagio Study Center, Lake Como, Italy, 1999
Fellowship, Bogliasco Foundation, Ligurian Center for the Arts and Humanities, Genoa, Italy, 1999
Rome Prizein Landscape Architecture, American Academy in Rome, Rome, Italy, 1985
Distinguished Alumnus, University of Florida, Gainesville FL, 1984
Merit Awardfor Communication, Scoring the Fitness of Trees, American Society of Landscape Architects, Florida Chapter, 1979
National StudentMerit Award, University of Florida Medical Center Green Roof,American Society of Landscape Architects, 1974
- Invited Lectures and Workshops
#The Wonderful World of Watercolor, Lecture & Workshop, UC Berkeley, [IN]LAND Summer institute College of Environmental Design, UC Berkeley, July 2019
# Introduction to Watercolor, LA-1 Introduction to Drawing, College of Environmental Design, July 2019
# Do Electronic Trees Dream of Photosynthesis? Colorado State University, April 2019
# Creativity & Landscape Illustration,Colorado State University, April 2019
# Sketch-Crawl Workshop, Colorado State University, April 2019
# Drawn from the Field,Co-Lecture with Elizabeth Boults, Arizona State University, The Design School, April 2019
# Field Sketching Workshop,Co-Presenter with Elizabeth Boults, Arizona State University, The Design School, April 2019
# Comics & The Creative Process, Comics Studio De-Cal Class UC Berkeley, April 2019
#Persian Gardens, History of Environmental Design course; University of California, Davis; Jan 2019
# Sketch-Crawl & Workshop, Woodbury University, School of Architecture, November 2018
# Storyboarding the Landscape, ED 4a Design Activism, CED, UC Berkeley, Oct 2018
# The Wonderful World of Watercolor, Lecture & Workshop, Nature RX, UC Davis, October 2018
#The Wonderful World of Watercolor, Lecture & Workshop, UC Berkeley, [IN]LAND Summer institute College of Environmental Design, UC Berkeley, July 2018
# Introduction to Watercolor, LA-1 Introduction to Drawing, College of Environmental Design, July 2018
# The Alchemy of Creativity, College of Design, Iowa State University, April 2018
# Field Sketching Workshop, Iowa State UniversityApril 2018
# Do Electronic Trees Dream of Photosynthesis?Central States ASLA Annual Meeting, Key Note Speaker, April 2018
# Spirts of Place; Art Nature Consciousness, Central States ASLA Annual Meeting, April 2018
# Comics & The Creative Process, Comics Studio De-Cal Class UC Berkeley, April 2018
#Persian Gardens, History of Environmental Design course; University of California, Davis; Jan 2018
# Dreaming the Landscape, ED-1, Introduction to Environmental Design,CED, UC Berkeley, Jan 2017
# Drawing a Green Future, Edinburgh College of Art, Scotland, November 2017
# Drawing a Green Future, ED-1, Introduction to Environmental Design, College of Environmental Design, October 2017
# Landscape Magic in the City of Angels, ASLA Annual Meeting, Los Angeles, October 2017
# The Wonderful World of Watercolor, Lecture & Workshop, Nature RX, UC Davis, October 2017
#The Wonderful World of Watercolor, Lecture & Workshop, [IN]LAND Summer Institute’ College of Environmental Design, UC Berkeley, July 2018
# Cartooning the Landscape; Art, Nature, Consciousness, Univ. of Oregon, College of Design, May 2017
# Sketch-Crawl Workshop,Univ. of Oregon, College of Design, May 2017
# Sketching the Urban Environment, Workshop & Sketch-Crawl, UCLA Extension, May 2017
# Envisioning Landscape: Art Nature, Consciousness, WASLA, Washington State Annual Meeting, Keynote address, April 2017
# History of Underground Comixs, Hippie Modernism Seminar, College of Environmental Design, UC Berkeley, April 2017
# Cartooning the Landscape, Art, Nature, Consciousness, Fantom Comics, Washington DC, April 2017
# Observing Nature Through Drawing, UC Berkeley De-Cal Class, Berkeley Urban Garden March 2017
# Cartooning the Landscape; Art, Nature Consciousness, University of Manitoba, Cultural Events lecture Series March 2017
# Watercolor Workshop,University of Manitoba, Cultural Events lecture Series March 2017
# Cartooning the Landscape, Studio 7, London, August 2017
# Hollywood’s Backlot Urbanism, ASLA Annual meeting, November 2017
# Cartooning the Landscape; Art Nature Consciousness, UC Berkeley Botanical Garden, Feb 2017
# Illustration & Watercolor Workshop, UCB Extension SF Design Week, Feb 2017
# Dreaming the Landscape, ED-1, Introduction to Environmental Design, CED, UC Berkeley, Jan 2017
#Persian Gardens, History of Environmental Design course; University of California, Davis; Jan 2017
# Alchemy of Creativity Workshop, The Arnold Arboretum of Harvard University, Jan 2017
# Cartooning the Landscape; Art Nature Consciousness, The Arnold Arboretum of Harvard University, Jan 2017
# The Wonderful World of Watercolor, Lecture & Workshop, Nature RX, UC Davis, October 2016
#The Wonderful World of Watercolor, Lecture & Workshop, [IN]LAND Summer institute College of Environmental Design, UC Berkeley, July 2016
# Introduction to Watercolor, LA-1 Introduction to Drawing, College of Environmental Design, July 2016
# Observing Nature Through Drawing, UC Berkeley De-Cal Class, Berkeley Urban Garden April 2016
**Cartooning the Landscape, Chip Sullivan and Abby Vanmuijen, College of Environmental Design Library, UC Berkeley; 2015
**Designing People, College of Environmental Design Archives, UC Berkeley; 2015
**Garden and Climate, Landscape Design Technology program, American River College, Sacramento, CA; 2015
**Community Drawing Workshop,Chip Sullivan and Joseph Slusky, Richmond Art Center, Richmond, CA; 2014
**The Art of the Comic and the Sequential Narrative, University of Georgia, Athens, GA; 2014
**Field Sketching Workshop and Sketch Crawl,University of Georgia, Athens, GA; 2014
**Imagining Worlds: The Imaginary World of Model Trains, ‘Story First,’ University Film and Video Association Conference, Chapman University, College of Film and Media Arts, Orange, CA; 2013
The Floral Imperative, webinar co-taught with Elizabeth Boults, for John Wiley and Sons Publishers; 2010
**Persian Gardens, History of Environmental Design course; University of California, Davis; 2006-2016
**Persian Gardens, History of Landscape Architecture course; UC Berkeley Extension, San Francisco, CA; 2013-2016
**’Field Methods in Environmental Analysis’ workshop, University of California, Davis; 2011, 2012, 2013, 2015, 2016
**Urban Sketching lectureand ‘Sketch Crawl’ Workshop,Arizona State University; 2015
**Journey Through the Garden of Wonder lecture and ‘Sketch Crawl’ Workshop, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO; 2014
**Drawing a Green Future- Chip Sullivan, Master of the Landscape Comic Strip; Animating the Landscape;and Workshop on the ‘Sequential Narrative’ – a series of lectures and workshops in conjunction with Landscape Architecture Week at Virginia Polytechnic and State University, Blacksburg VA; 2012
**The Floral Imperative,Southern California Horticulture Society; 2012
**Drawing a Green Future; Cartooning the Landscape, andWorkshop on the‘Panorama Experience,’ Colorado State University, Fort Collins; 2012
**Reading and Writing in the Field, Books about Landscape Architecture,Chip Sullivan and Elizabeth Boults lecture on The Collaborative Process, UC Davis, 2012
*Landscape Scenography, Chip Sullivan and Elizabeth Boults, Los Angeles Arboretum; 2011
*Landscape Scenography, Chip Sullivan and Elizabeth Boults, The Garden Conservancy, Disney Family Museum, San Francisco, CA; 2010
*Thinking Drawings, Department of Forest and Landscape, University of Copenhagen, Denmark; 2010
*Workshop on ‘Storyboarding the Landscape,’ Department of Forest and Landscape, University of Copenhagen, Denmark; 2010
*Journey Through the Garden of Wonder, University of San Francisco, Design Program; 2009
*Garden and Climate, Peterborough Historical Society, Peterborough, NH; 2009
*Energy, Metaphysics and Art, University of Georgia, Landscape Architecture Department; 2008
*Garden and Climate,Clemson University, School of Architecture, Architecture Lecture Series; 2008
*‘Dreaming the Landscape’ Workshop, Clemson University, School of Architecture; 2008
*Energy, Fantasy and Form, Colorado State University, Fort Collins CO; 2006, 2005
*Studio Drawing Charrette, Colorado State University, Fort Collins CO, 2006, 2005
*Energy, Fantasy and Form, Cal Poly State University, San Luis Obispo; 2006
*Studio Charrette on ‘Pop-up Books and Take Out Gardens,’ Cal Poly State University, San Luis Obispo; 2006
*Garden and Climate, San Francisco Garden Club, San Francisco CA; 2006
*Working in the Comics Industry, Career Week, Career Center, University of California, Berkeley, CA; 2006
*Garden and Climate, Orinda Garden Club, Orinda, CA; 2006
*Energy, Fantasy and Form, University of New Mexico, School of Architecture, Albuquerque, NM; 2005
*Workshop: ‘Animating the Landscape,’ University of New Mexico, School of Architecture, Albuquerque, NM; 2005
*Garden and Climate, Carmel Valley Garden Club, Carmel, CA; 2005
*Garden and Climate, Napa Valley Master Gardeners Society, Napa, CA; 2005
*Climatics of the Garden, Landscape Architecture Program, University of California Los Angeles Extension; 2005
*Energy, Fantasy and Form, Cal Homecoming lecture, University of California, Berkeley CA; 2004
*Garden and Climate, University of California Santa Cruz Arboretum, Santa Cruz, CA; 2004
*Garden and Climate, Mediterranean Garden Society, UC Botanical Garden, Berkeley CA; 2003
Garden and Climate.Builders Booksource, Berkeley CA; 2002
Drawing and the Creative Process. Virginia Polytechnic and State University, Blacksburg VA; 2002
Drawing as Discovery, The Hearst lecture Series, College of Architecture and Environmental Design, California Polytechnic and State University, San Luis Obispo, CA; 2001
Drawing Workshop, College of Architecture and Environmental Design, California Polytechnic and State University, San Luis Obispo, CA; 2001
Perspective Workshop, Department of Landscape Architecture, UC Davis, CA; 2000
Energy and the Garden,Ball State University, Muncie IN; 1996,
The World of the Third Dimension, University of Kentucky, Lexington KY; 1996
Energy, Fantasy and Form, University of Kentucky, Lexington KY; 1995
Workshop on ‘Animating the Landscape,’ University of Kentucky, Lexington KY; 1995
Energy Fantasy and Form, University of Colorado, Denver CO; 1995
Gardens of the Four Elements, San Francisco Art Institute, San Francisco, CA; 1994
Climatics of the Garden, Catholic University, Washington DC; 1994
‘Watercoloring the Landscape’ Workshop, Catholic University, Washington DC; 1994
Energy, Fantasy and Form: The Gardens of Chip Sullivan, Hideo Sasaki Lecture Series, University of Illinois, Champaign-Urbana; 1994
Energy and the Garden, University of Arkansas, Little Rock AK; 1993
Workshop on the ‘Choreography of Space,’ University of Arkansas, Little Rock AK; 1993
Gardens Through Art and Energy, Corcoran Gallery of Art, Washington DC; 1992
Landscape Parts, School of Architecture and Allied Arts, University of Oregon, Eugene, OR; 1992
Garden Specimens, School of Architecture and Landscape Architecture, University of Toronto, Canada; 1992
Experimental Gardens, University of Washington, Seattle, WA; 1991
The Works of the Bizarre, California Polytechnic and State University, San Luis Obispo CA; 1991
Energy and the Garden, School of Architecture, McGill University, Montreal, Canada; 1990
Energy and the Garden, Department of Landscape Architecture, Rutgers State University, NJ; 1990
Landscape as Tattoo, Department of Landscape Architecture, Rutgers State University, NJ; 1990
Landscape as Tattoo, Department of Landscape Architecture, University of California, Davis CA; 1990
New Forms of the Garden, Gallery 181, College of Design, Iowa State College, Ames, IA; 1990
New Forms of the Garden, College of Architecture, State University of New York, Buffalo, NY; 1989
Landscape as Art, Department of Landscape Architecture, University of California, Davis CA; 1989
Garden and Reliquary, Tampa Bay Chapter of the American Society of Landscape Architects, Gillman-Stein Gallery, Tampa FL; 1988
Current Work, Overview Seminar, Graduate School of Design, Harvard University, Cambridge MA; 1987
Energy and the Garden, Sasaki Associates, Watertown, MA; 1987
Contemporary Hieronymus Interprets Potential Spaces,Cronkhite Graduate Center, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA; 1987
Energy and the Garden, Sasaki Associates, Coral Gables, FL; 1986
Energy, Metaphysics and Art, College of Architecture, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL; 1987
Box, Shrine and Sculpture, The Palladian Center, Vicenza, Italy; 1985
Search, Experiment, Explore, American Academy in Rome, Rome, Italy; 1984
Energy and the Garden, College of Architecture, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL; 1983
The Passive Garden, Environmental Center, Miami Dade Community College, Miami, FL; 1982
New Age Gardens, Environmental Center, Miami Dade Community College, Miami, FL; 1981
- Conference Presentations
# Divining Design; Teaching Sacred Landscapes, Council of Educators in Landscape Architecture Annual Conference, Sacramento CA 2019
# The Sequential Narrative, Council of Educators in Landscape Architecture Annual Conference, Blacksburg, VA 2018
**The Painter’s Park, Council of Educators in Landscape Architecture Annual Conference, Salt Lake City, UT; 2016
**Exploratory Physiocartographies of Place and Time, with Paula Horrigan, Kathy Kambic, Joren Langhorst, Caroline Lavoie and Joni Palmer, Council of Educators in Landscape Architecture Annual Conference, Austin, TX; 2013
**Getting it Write: Search, Explode, Exclaim,Panel presentation in “Publishing Landscape Architectural Textbooks,” Council of Educators in Landscape Architecture Annual Conference, University of Illinois, Champaign-Urbana, IL; 2012
*The Landscape Observations of the Maginot Line, Council of Educators in Landscape Architecture Annual Conference, University of Illinois, Champaign-Urbana, IL; 2012
*Hollywood’s Landscape Magic,Council of Educators in Landscape Architecture Annual Conference, Los Angeles, CA; 2011
*Telling Untold Stories, “Drawing/Thinking: Drawing in an Electronic Age” symposium, College of Environmental Design, University of California, Berkeley; 2006
*Garden Design: How the Romans Did It, San Francisco Flower and Garden Show, San Francisco CA; 2005
*Hadrian’s Villa: A Garden Design Vocabulary for the Future, “Hadrian’s Villa and the California Garden,” conference co-sponsored by the Garden Conservancy and Pacific Horticulture magazine, Cantor Arts Center at Stanford University, Palo Alto CA; 2005
*Celebrating the Climate by Design,“Gardening Under Mediterranean Skies: Exploring California Style,” a Pacific Horticulture symposium, LA County Arboretum and Botanic Garden, Arcadia CA; 2004
*Celebrating the Climate by Design: Part II,“Gardening Under Mediterranean Skies: Exploring California Style,” a Pacific Horticulture symposium, Strybing Botanic Garden, San Francisco CA; 2004
*Garden and Climate,LaBash, National Conference of Landscape Architecture Students, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL; 2004
*Watercolor Graphics, LaBash, National Conference of Landscape Architecture Students, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL; 2004
Observation and the Analytical Representation of Space, “Representing the Designed Landscape” Conference, University of California, Berkeley CA; 2000
Measuring, Drawing and Describing Italian Villas, Council of Educators in Landscape Architecture, Annual Conference, Arlington, TX; 1998
Drawing and the Creative Process, The Design Communication Association Biennial International Conference, Tucson, AZ; 1998
Madonnas and Mercuries: A Historical Analysis of Crossroad Markings and Roadside Shrines, with Elizabeth Boults, “Making Sacred Places”: The 6thInternational & Interdisciplinary Conference on Built Form and Culture Research, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH; 1997
Landscape as Art, American Society of Landscape Architects Annual Convention, Los Angeles CA; 1996
Watercolor Workshop, LaBash, National Conference of Landscape Architectural Students, California Polytechnic and State University, San Luis Obispo, CA; 1993
Landscape as Tattoo, LaBash, National Conference of Landscape Architectural Students, California Polytechnic and State University, San Luis Obispo, CA; 1993
The Experimental Garden, American Society of Landscape Architects, Florida Chapter Annual Convention; 1992
Energy, Fantasy and Form, American Society of Landscape Architects California State Convention; 1992
Teaching Landscape Architecture, Council of Educators in Landscape Architecture Annual Conference, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA; 1992
Landscape as Tattoo, Council of Educators in Landscape Architecture Annual Conference, Michigan State University, Lansing MI; 1991
Garden as Icon, “Avant Garde and the Landscape” Conference, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN; 1989
Energy and the Garden, Southern California Chapter of the American Society of Landscape Architects, Los Angeles; 1989
The Historical Garden as a Passive Solar Device, National Passive Solar Conference, Denver CO; 1989
Energy, Meaning and Metaphysics of the Garden, “Visions and Revisions” Conference, University of Arizona, Tempe, AZ; 1988
Landscape as Theater, introductory lecture for a 3-day Charrette of the presentation of Chekhov’s play, ‘The Cherry Orchard,’ College of Environmental Design; University of California, Berkeley; 1988
Box, Shrine and Sculpture, “Meanings of the Garden” Conference, University of California, Davis, CA; 1987
South Florida Garden Style, :Art and Landscape” Conference, American Society of Landscape Architects, Florida Chapter, Miami, FL; 1984
The Functional Landscape, LaBash, National Conference of Landscape Architectural Students, Purdue University, West Lafayette IN; 1983
Energy and the Garden, Council of Educators in Landscape Architecture Annual Conference, University of Wisconsin, Madison WI; 1980
The Garden as a Passive Architectural Device, Energy Conference, Winrock-Rockefeller International Research Center, Morritton AK; 1980
Scoring the Fitness of Trees, American Society of Landscape Architects, Annual Convention, New Orleans LA; 1979
- University and Public Service
# Committee Member for AEPE, Admissions, Enrollment & Preparatory Education for the University, UC Berkeley 2019
# Faculty Representative, TGIF, The Green Initiative Fund for the University, UC Berkeley 2019
# Undergraduate Dean College of Environmental Design, UC Berkeley, Dec. 2018-July 2019
# Chair, LAEP Ad Hoc Committee – promotion case to full Professor; date withheld intentionally 2018
# Undergraduate Academic Advisor, LAEP, UC Berkeley; 2000-present
# Member Committee, CED Alumni Exhibition of Art Works 2018-2019
# LAEP representative to the Chancellor’s Advisory Committee on Creative Arts; 1994-present
# Chair, Prizes and Awards Committee, LAEP department, College of Environmental Design; 1992-present
# Chair, Curriculum Committee, LAEP department, College of Environmental Design; 2018 to present
# Faculty sponsor, Ground-Up,The Design Journal of the LAEPDepartment,2019
# Chair, Farrand Fund, LAEP department, College of Environmental Design; 2016
#Member, College of Environmental Design Undergraduate Affairs Committee; 2001-present
**Advisory Board Member, Landscape Architectural Certificate Program, UC Berkeley Extension; 2006-present
# LAEP representative for the undergraduate program in Landscape Architecture, Cal Day; 2000-present
# Member, Graduate Admissions Committee, LAEP, UC Berkeley; 1994-present
# Member, Undergraduate Transfer Admissions Committee, LAEP, UC Berkeley; 1993-present
# LAEP Faculty advisor for undergraduate presentations, CED Circus; 2012-2016
# Faculty Advisor, for Comics Studio DeCal (student-run education program) class 2018-2019
# Curator of the College of Environmental Design Gallery for the LAEP department; 2012-present
# Organizer and Leader of two sketch crawls for the UCB student chapter of the American Society of Landscape Architects; 2017-2018
# Faculty Chair for three Undergraduate Independent Major’s 2017-2019
# External Committee Member for Master’s Thesis Practum, University of Manitoba, Canada 2019
**Member, Curriculum Committee, LAEP department, College of Environmental Design; 1992-2012, 2014-present
**Campus Host, for visiting Landscape Architecture students from the University of Florida; 2000-2016
**Chair, Farrand Fund, LAEP department, College of Environmental Design; 2016
**Faculty Sponsor for Conference, Live Edge Adaptation Project, College of Environmental Design, UC Berkeley; 2016
**Faculty sponsor, Ground-uplaunch event; 2016
**Guest Instructor, watercolor technique workshop for LA1 summer class; 2016
**Campus Host, for visiting Landscape Architecture students from the University of Georgia; 2016
**Speaker, with Professor Catherine Dee, for the LAEP Thunder-dome Debate Series Drawing in Design: Discovery or Illustration?2014
**Faculty Advisor, for DeCal (student-run education program) class, Video Games as Art: A Study of Design and Culture; 2016
**Organizer and Leader of two separate field trips to the Donnell Garden, Sonoma, for the UCB student chapter of the American Society of Landscape Architects; 2015-2016
**Organizer and Leader of three sketch crawls for the UCB student chapter of the American Society of Landscape Architects; 2015-2016
**Faculty Advisor, for DeCal (student-run education program) class, Mapping the Hunger Games; 2015-2016
**Guest Instructor, watercolor technique workshops for the CED ‘[IN]land’ summer program; 2013-2016
**Speaker, Undergraduate Ambassador Outreach Program, College of Environmental Design; 2011-2016
**Organizer and Leader of workshop on representing the urban landscape, Global Urban Humanities, “Mapping City Stories” studio, College of Environmental Design, UC Berkeley; 2015
**Organizer and Leader of Sketch Crawl for the Global Urban Humanities, “Mapping City Stories” studio, College of Environmental Design, UC Berkeley; 2015
**Committee Member, PhD qualifying exam for Sahoko Yui, UC Davis; 2015
**Speaker, presentation to Alpha Rho Chi National Professional fraternity for Architecture and the Allied Arts; 2015
**Guest Instructor, Sketch Crawl, for the CED ‘[IN]land’ Summer Program; 2015
**Speaker,Cartooning the Landscape lecture and exhibition, for the UC Davis student chapter of the American Society of Landscape Architects, Hunt Hall, UC Davis; 2013
**Faculty Advisor, to LAEP Undergraduate team for their installation at the San Francisco Garden Show, Green Walls Of China, winner of the Gold Medal; 2013
**Faculty Advisor, for DeCal (student-run education program) class,Visual Note Taking; 2012
**Chair, LAEP Scholarship Committee for the San Francisco Garden Club Award; 1996-2012
*Chair, LAEP Ad Hoc Committee – promotion case to full Professor; date withheld intentionally
*Speaker, GREEN! Drawing a Sustainable Future, Cal Day; 2010
*Academic Liaison, San Francisco Garden Club Design Competition; 1992-2009
*Faculty Advisor, for CED student participating in the ASUC-sponsored ‘Fashion and Student Trends’ runway show; 2008, 2009
*Member, Search Committee for new director of Landscape Architecture Certificate Program, UC Berkeley Extension; 2008
*Graphic interpretation and illustrator, campus-wide EcoCharrette, UC Berkeley; 2008
*Chair, CED Ad Hoc Committee – Tenure Case, College of Environmental Design, UC Berkeley; 2007
*LAEP Department Representative, Environmental Design Undergraduate Program Review Committee, UC Berkeley; 2005-2007
*Faculty Representative, Environmental Design Review Commission, for the ED program in the College of Environmental Design, UC Berkeley; date (2006?)
*Member, City of Albany, CA, Public Arts Commission; 2005- 2006
*Academic Liaison, Friends of Alta Plaza Park Design Competition; 2005
*Chair, Curriculum Committee, Department of Landscape Architecture and Environmental Planning (LAEP), UC Berkeley; 2004-2005
*Faculty Advisor, Bezerk ComicsMagazine, Student Art Publishing, UC Berkeley; 2003
Member, City of Berkeley, CA, Public Arts Commission; 2000
Curator for the College of Environmental Design Gallery; 1991-1999
External Assessment for Tenure & Promotions
External assessment for promotion to tenure University of Hong Kong, April 2018
External assessment for Promotion to Professor, University of Utah, November 2018
New Class Syllabus Proposals-teaching innovations
Master Class; Frank Gehry Teaches Design & Architecture,developed workbook exercises, reading assignments and assessment methods for an online course which feature classes by leader in all creative fileds such as martin Scorses and David Lynch
# Graphics for Environmental Planners; A Visual Language for Envisioning landscapes, LAEP, College of Environmental Design Fall 2018
# LAEP 134a Introduction to landscape Representation & Visualization; A Visual Language for Envisioning landscapes
# LAEP 133 Drawn from the Field, Direct observation, analysis & interpretation of iconic built landscapes in the bay Area,October 2018
# LAEP 135 Sacred Landscapes
# The Poetics of Space; The Space of Poetry; a course on Poetry & Drawing with Tess Taylor for Global Urban Humanities, Undergraduate Research Studio College of Environmental Design UC Berkeley Nov 2018
Exhibitions Curated
# Exhibition of Drawings from the CELA Sketch Crawl at the Central valley AIA headquarters Sacramento CA
# Aesthetics of Planting Design, Wurster Hall gallery, UC Berkeley Feb 2018
# Titio Patri; Fifty Landscape Interpretation Sketches, Wurster Hall gallery, UC Berkeley, Jan 2017
# The landscape Architecture Legacy of Dan Kiley, Wurster Hall gallery, UC Berkeley, Feb 2019
# Weird Sh*T on the Wall, Four Wild Landscapes,LAEP Graduate Student work, Wurster Hall Gallery, UC Berkeley, May. 2018
Service to the Profession
#Co-Leader for National ASLA Week, Sketch-Crawl through Downtown Oakland Historic District, April 2019
# Do Electronic Trees Dream of Photosynthesis? Central States ASLA Annual Meeting, Key Note Speaker, April 2018
# Spirts of Place; Art Nature Consciousness, Central States ASLA Annual Meeting, April 2018
# Organizer and leader for Sketch-Crawl, for the Central States ASLA Annual Meeting, April 2018
# Landscape Magic in the City of Angels, ASLA Annual Meeting, Los Angeles, October 2017
# Organizer and co-leader for the Field Session, Tinsel-Town Movie-O-La: drawing on location,for the American Society of Landscape Architects Annual Meeting and Expo, Los Angeles; 2017
**Educational Session Presentation: Do Landscapes Dream? Voodoo, Alchemy, and the Genius Loci, American Society of Landscape Architects Annual Meeting and Expo, New Orleans; 2016
**Co-organizer and co-leader for the Field Session, Sketch Dat!for the American Society of Landscape Architects Annual Meeting and Expo, New Orleans; 2016
**Awards Jurist for the New York Chapter, American Society of Landscape Architects professional awards competition; 2016
**Co-organizer and co-leader for “North Beach Sketch Crawl” for the American Society of Landscape Architects, Northern California Chapter, San Francisco, CA; 2016
**Educational Session Presentation: Hollywood’s Backlot Urbanism: A Landscape Cinematography Pattern LanguageAmerican Society of Landscape Architects Annual Meeting and Expo, Chicago; 2015
**Co-organizer and co-leader for the Field Session, Sketch: Chicagofor the American Society of Landscape Architects Annual Meeting and Expo, Chicago; 2015
**Awards Jurist for the Potomac Chapter , American Society of Landscape Architects professional awards competition; 2015
**Panelist for the American Society of Landscape Architects Northern California Chapter, Career Panel Discussion for Emerging Professionals; 2015
**Educational Session Presentation: Storyboarding the Landscape for Design and Animation, American Society of Landscape Architects Annual Meeting and Expo, Denver; 2014
**Co-organizer and co-leader for the Field Session, Sketch: Denverfor the American Society of Landscape Architects Annual Meeting and Expo, Denver, 2014
**Co-organizer and co-leader for the Field Session, Sketch: Bostonfor the American Society of Landscape Architects Annual Meeting and Expo, Boston, 2013
**Co-organizer and co-leader for the Sketch Crawlat the Council of Educators in Landscape Architecture conference in Austin, Texas; 2013
**Artist and Donor, from 2009 to 2014; I produced and donated art work for exhibition and auction at the annual national ASLA convention to benefit The Cultural Landscape Foundation.
Service to the Design Community
# External Reviewer for tenure promotion, University of Hong Kong, April 2018
# External Reviewer for promotion to full professor, University of Utah, Sept 2018
**Principal Investigator and Editor for the Space Open Exhibition and Catalogue, Wurster Hall Gallery, College of Environmental Design, UC Berkeley; 2016
**Program Facilitator, organized and directed a public Drawing Workshopwith Joe Slusky at the Richmond Art Center; 2014
**Graduation address,Journey of Knowledge and the Culture of Creativity, Landscape Architecture + Environmental Design Program, UC Davis; 2014
**Curator, Visionary Designs for a Sustainable Oakland, American Steel Studios, Oakland; 2013
**Principal Investigator and Curator for the exhibition Landscapes of the Western Imagination, Wurster Hall Gallery, College of Environmental Design, UC Berkeley; 2012
**External Reviewer for tenure promotion, Clemson University
**External Reviewer for tenure promotion, Technion Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel
**External Reviewer for tenure promotion, University of Texas, Fort Worth, TX
**External Reviewer for tenure promotion, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM
**Peer reviewer of manuscripts (two ) for Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group
**Peer reviewer of manuscripts (two) for University of Virginia Press
*Program Director, The Passion of Van Gogh, Summer painting workshop in Provence and Dordogne, France; San Francisco Arts and Humanities Institute; 2011
*Host, MacDowell Colony Board of Trustees, west coast tour and fund raiser, Blake Garden; 2011
*External Reviewer for tenure promotion, University of Georgia
*External Reviewer for tenure promotion (three separate cases), Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO
*Peer reviewer of manuscript for John Wiley & Sons
*Peer reviewer of manuscript for WW Norton & Company
*Peer reviewer of manuscript for Landscape Journal
External Reviewer for tenure promotion, Cornell University, NY
Manuscript Reviews
# Scaping Color, Routledge, Taylor & Francis March 2018
# Architecture & the Garden, Routledge, Taylor & Francis, March 2016
Book Jacket Endorsements
# Forces of Gravity, Rebecca Fish Ewan, Hippocampus Books, June 2018
# Codify; Parametric & Computational Design in Landscape Architecture, Bradley Cantrell & Adam Mekies editors, Routledge, Taylor & Francis, April 2018
Representing Landscape: Analogue, Nadia Amoroso, Routledge, Taylor & Francis, Nov. 2018
# Random Imaginations; A Collection of Illustrated Musings, Eddie Chau, Oro Editions, October 2018
# Design Visualization, Shima Rabiee, Oro Editions, Jan 2018
- Publications authored by Chip Sullivan
Books and Monographs
**Cartooning the Landscape, University of Virginia Press, 2016
**Impulse to Draw: Empowering Imagination for the Electronic Age, co-authored with Joseph Slusky, Norfolk Press, 2015
**Dissected-Unraveled: Impulse to Draw Workbook, co-authored with Joseph Slusky, Norfolk Press, 2016
**Drawing the Landscape, 4thedition, Hoboken NJ: John Wiley & Sons; 2014.
**An Illustrated History of Landscape Design, co-authored with Elizabeth Boults. Korean edition, [Hoboken NJ: John Wiley & Sons], 2013
*An Illustrated History of Landscape Design,co-authored with Elizabeth Boults. Chinese Edition, [Hoboken NJ: John Wiley & Sons], 2010
*An Illustrated History of Landscape Design, co-authored with Elizabeth Boults. Hoboken NJ: John Wiley & Sons, 2009
*Drawing the Landscape, 3rdedition. Hoboken NJ: John Wiley & Sons; 2004.
*Garden and Climate. Chinese Edition, [NY: McGraw-Hill;] 2003.
Garden and Climate. NY: McGraw-Hill; 2002.
Drawing the Landscape, Chinese edition. John Wiley & Sons, 2001
People in a Landscape, co-authored with Garrett Eckbo, Walter Hood, and Laura Lawson. NJ: Prentice Hall, 1998.
Drawing the Landscape, 2ndedition. NY: Van Nostrand Reinhold; 1997
Drawing the Landscape. NY: Van Nostrand Reinhold; 1994.
Double Imperative Landscapes. Co-Authored with Stephen Rodefer, Berkeley CA: Poltroon Press, 1992
The Historical Garden as a Passive Architectural Element, Miami-Dade Community College, FL, 1986
New Forms of the Garden to Heat and Cool Your Home, Miami Dade Community College, FL, 1986
Chapters and Articles
# “Drawing
on the Past; A Visual Journey of Discovery”, Studio Collective Journal, School of Architecture + Design, Virginia Tech, Nov 2018
# “How Green Was My Valley”, in Ground Up: Home (Issue 8), UC Berkeley, 2019
# “Garden & Climate pull-out Zine”, in Ground Up: Consequences (Issue 7), UC Berkeley, 2018
# #Dreamscapes”, in Ground Up: of Process (Issue 6),UC Berkeley, 2017
**“Landscape as Tattoo,” in Ground Up: Delineations (Issue 5), UC Berkeley, 2016
**“Le Promenade du Poussin” in GRAPH(feeties)Issue 1,Arizona State University, 2016
**“Twin Peaks with Steve,” (illustration), in One Way to Ask: Poems by Daniel Ari, Norfolk Press, SF, 2016
**“Bay Area Boomerang,” in Ground Up: Out West (Issue 4),UC Berkeley, 2015
**“The Drawings of Chip Sullivan,” in Construction and Design Manual: Drawing for Landscape Architecture, Sabrina Wilk, ed. DOM Publishers, Berlin 2014
**“Metro Ride to a Lost World of Mystery”, in City Secrets Paris: The Essential Insider’s Guide, Robert Kahn, Mary Shanahan, Dominque Vellay, eds. NY: The Little Bookroom, 2013
**“Big Fun: 100 Years of Landscape Architecture at Cal,” in Landscape at Berkeley, the First 100 Years, ed. Waverly Lowell, Carrie McDade and Elizabeth Byrne, The Regents of the University of California, 2012
**“The Art of Representing Landscape” in Representing Landscapes: A Visual Collection of Landscape Architectural Drawings, Nadia Amoroso, ed. Routledge, England, 2012.
**“Endless Deadlines” in Ground Up: Landscapes of Uncertainty(Issue 1),UC Berkeley 2012.
*“Prismascope” and “Spectrascope,” installations featured in 1000 Steampunk Creations: Neo-Victorian Fashion, Gear and Art, Joey Marsocci, ed. Quarry Books, 2011
*“The Steampunk Landscape,” in Landscape Architecture, May 2010
*“Hollywood’s Landscape Magic,” in Landscape Architecture,December 2009
*“Daydreams of Frascati” collaboration with Stephen Rodefer, reprinted in Call it Thought, an anthology of poems by Stephen Rodefer, Manchester UK: Carcanet Press Limited, 2008
*“Telling Untold Stories,” in Drawing/Thinking: Confronting an Electronic Age, Marc Treib, ed., London: Taylor and Francis, 2008
*“Observation and the Analytical Representation of Space,” in Representing Landscape Architecture,Marc Treib, ed. London: Taylor and Francis, 2008
*“A Vista Never Before Seen,” in Landscape Architecture,September 2008
*“Animating the Landscape,” in Landscape Architecture,May 2008
*“Dreaming the Landscape,” in Landscape Architecture,March, 2008
*“The landscape Panorama,” in Landscape Architecture,December, 2007
*“The Alchemist’s Garden,” in Landscape Architecture,July, 2007
*“Plein Air Painter’s of Rome,” in Landscape Architecture,2007
*“Ocular Nirvana,” in Landscape Architecture,January, 2007
*“Seeing the Landscape,” in Landscape Architecture,November,2006
*“The Creative Process,” in Landscape Architecture,September, 2006
*“Landscape Imagineer,” in Landscape Architecture,March, 2006
“Tempio Voltiano,” “Portofino,” and “Biblioteca Communale,” co-authored with Elizabeth Boults, in City Secrets: Florence, Venice and the Towns of ltaly, Robert Kahn, ed. NY: The Little Bookroom, 2001.
“Towards a New Surrealism,” co-authored with Elizabeth Boults and Robert Hewitt, in ‘Visionary and Unbuilt Landscapes,’ Land Forum, 1998
“Most Influential Landscapes,” in Landscape Journal, vol. 12, no. 2, Fall 1993
“The Garden as Reliquary” in The Meaning of Gardens, Mark Francis and Randolph Hester, eds. Cambridge: MIT Press, 1990
“The California Garden Series” in Landscape Architecture, vol. 80, no. 12, December 1990
“The Garden Of Linnaeus: An Ecological Fable in Four Jars,” in Oblong 3, The Regents of the University of California, 1989
“The Garden of the Rose: A Celestial Garden,” in Places: A Quarterly Journal of Environmental Design, vol. 3, no.3, 1986
“The Garden of the Rose: A Celestial Garden,” in Transforming the American Garden: 12 New Landscape Designs,Michael Van Valkenburgh. ed. Harvard University Graduate School of Design, 1986
“Balcony Gardens,” inSouth Florida Home and Garden, Fall 1984
“Sketchbook of Garden Design” in Living by Design, Miami-Dade Community College Environmental Design Center Newsletter, Fall, 1984
“The Metaphysical Garden,” in Living by Design, Miami-Dade Community College Environmental Design Center Newsletter, Spring, 1983
“Garden Energies: Classic Forms Take New Shapes,” in Landscape Architecture, vol. 71, no4, July 1981
“Scoring the Fitness of Trees in The Landscape,” in Landscape Architecture, vol. 67, no 2, March 1977
Abstracts and Conference Proceedings
**Exploratory Phsyiocartographies of Place and Time, Council of Educators in Landscape Architecture, 2013
**Imagining Worlds, University Film and Video Association, Los Angeles, 2013
**The Landscape Observations of the Maginot Line,Council of Educators in Landscape Architecture, 2012.
**Getting it Write: Search, Explode, Exclaim from “Publishing Landscape Architectural Textbooks”in Council of Educators in Landscape Architecture, 2012.
*Hollywood’s Landscape Magic in Council of Educators in Landscape Architecture, 2011
Landscape as Tattooin Council of Educators in Landscape Architecture, 1991
“The Garden as an Art Form” in The Avant-Garde and the Landscape: Can They Be Reconciled, Patrick Condon and Lance Neckar, editors, Minneapolis MN: Landworks Press, 1990.
“The Historical Garden as a Reliquary” in Meanings of the Garden: Proceedings of A Working Conference to Explore the Social, Psychological and Cultural Dimensions of Gardens, Mark Francis and Randoph Hester, editors. Center for Design Research, University of California, Davis, May 1987.
Video Programs for Public Television
“The Historical Garden as a Passive Architectural Element, featuring Chip Sullivan,” and “New Forms of the Garden to Heat and Cool Your Home, featuring Chip Sullivan,” for Solstice: Building and Living In a Warm Humid Climate, produced by the Owner-Builder Center, Miami-Dade Community College, Miami FL, 1986.
- Publications about Chip Sullivan and his work
Profiles and Features
# Dana Davidson, “Four Lessons from Chip Sullivan” , Innovators in Education,The Dirt, Nov 2018
# Trica Keffer, “Cartooning the Landscape” Author interview for NBA, New Books Podcast, sponsored by Amherst College Press
**Baker, Thomas, “Drawing on Chip Sullivan, CED students revisit the art of quick sketching in the digital age,” CONNECTIVITY: Georgia Landscape Magazine, College of Environmental Design, University of Georgia, Athens GA, 2015
**Green, Jared, “What Landscape Architects Can Learn from Hollywood,” The Dirt, 2015
**Balmori, Diane, “Plan and Perspective of the Sullivan 1234 Garden,” Drawing and Reinventing Landscape,John Wiley and Sons, United Kingdom, 2014
**Burga, Hector Fernando, “Typology in Chalk,” Polis, 2012
*Jost, Daniel, “Shared Wisdom: Drawing the Landscape Architect,” Landscape Architecture, December 2008
*Vollin, Patricia, “Train Exhibit a Labor of Love for Cal Professor,” San Francisco Chronicle, Nov 20, 2008
*Chin, Paul, “All Aboard the Golden Gate Express,”, Nov. 2008
*KTVU, “Golden Gate Express” Channel 2/Mornings on 2, Nov. 18, 2008
*KTVU, “Environmentally Friendly Fun,” Channel 2/News at Noon, Nov. 18, 2008
*Finacom, Steve, “Model Trains in Golden Gate Park,” Berkeley Daily Planet, Feb. 12, 2009
*Chang, Liz, “Professor Plays Conductor to Model Railway Exhibition Design,” The Daily Californian, Nov. 24, 2008
*Rich, Deborah, “Water Features from the early Mediterranean: An interview with Chip Sullivan,” Aquascape Lifestyles, Winter 2003/2004.
Fortmeyer, Russell. “Garden designs focus on energy efficiency,” Kansas State Collegian, March 7, 1997.
Cooper, Guy and Gordon Taylor. “Professor’s Garden” in Paradise Transformed: The Private Garden for the 21st Century. NY: The Monacelli Press, 1996.
“Cigar Box Art,” Cigar Aficionado, Winter 1995/96
Leviseur, Elsa. “Environmental Ideals” in The Architectural Review, October 1994.
Thompson, J. William. “Sketching Summit” in Landscape Architecture, vol. 83, no. 5, May 1993.
Leccese, Michael, editor. “Reinventing the City” inLandscape Architecture, vol. 82, no. 6, June1992.
Leviseur, Elsa, “Landart” in The Architectural Review, vol. 189, no. 1130, April 1991
Powel, Kevin, “Academic Assemblage” in Landscape Architecture, vol. 80, no. 9, September 1990
Carpenter, Matt. “Landscape Architect’s Sacred and Profane: An Interview with Chip Sullivan” in Flatlands, College of Design Portfolio, Iowa State University, Ames IA, 1990
Lecesse, Michael, “Gardens of the Mind,” in Landscape Architecture, vol. 80, no. 5 May 1990
Boles, Daralice, “New American Landscape” in Progressive Architecture, July 1989
Sasaki, Yoji, “The Teaching Methods of Chip Sullivan,” in Japan Landscape, no. 6, 1988
Siebenthaler, John, K., “For Arts Sake,” in Nursery Digest, vol. 21, no. 10, 1987
Garreson, Renee, “Landscape may ease energy problems,” Tampa Tribune, May 1987
Adams, William, Howard, “What makes A Garden,” in House and Garden, March 1987
Handmaker, Linda B. “Drawing on the Past,” in Garden Design, vol. 3, no2, Summer 1984
Tasker, Georga, “Does a South Flordia Garden Have a Style of its Own?” Miami Hearld, May 20, 1984
Cerwinski, Laura, “Aquascape: A South Florida Transformation,” in South Florida Home and Garden Annual, September 1982
**Drawing in Design: Discovery or Illustration?, Thunderdome Debate with Professors Catherine Dee and Chip Sullivan, video recording, UC Berkeley Events, 2016
**Principal Investigator,LA-1: Drawing a Green Future, video recording produced by Abby Vanmujien, Landscape Architecture and Environmental Design program, College of Environmental Design, 2016
**Inspired by Miyazaki, interviewed by director Ryan Gilchrist for his upcoming documentary film on Japanese Animator Hayao Miyazaki, 2016
**The Italian Renaissance Villa Estate: A Sustainable Model, New York University, video recording,
NYU Florence, 2015
**Drawing in the Landscape: Painting Color, Planetizen Education Courses, online course produced by Darryl Jones,, 2014
**Itali-Ana: Mendieta in Rome,interviewed by director Raquel Cecilia for her documentary film on artist Anna Mendieta, Corazon Pictures, 2013
**Principal Investigator and producer of Slusky,a documentary film directed by Peter Hess about Bay Area Sculptor and CED instructor Joseph Slusky, 2012
*The Professor:the life, art, and philosophy of acclaimed landscape architecture professor Chip Sullivan, documentary film by Allan Holzman, 716Productions, 2011
*Creating theIllustrated History of Landscape Design, video recording produced by John Wiley & Sons,, 2009
The American Academy in Rome, interviewed by director Dennis Maloney for his documentary film on fellows’ experiences at the American Academy, 1986
Reviews and Exhibition Catalogs
**“Slusky and Sullivan: Sculptures, Drawings and Related Antics,” Richmond Art Center Community Programs, 2014
**Torres, Anthony, “Shared Affinities: The Work of Joseph Slusky and Chip Sullivan,” Richmond Art Center, 2014
*Taylor, Dick, “Illustrated History of Landscape Design,” Pacific Horticulture, Jan. 15, 2011.
*Turner Jr., Richard G., “Illustrated History of Landscape Design,” Pacific, October 2010.
*Latane, Claire, “Illustrated History of Landscape Design,” Landscape Architecture, December 2010
*Rosenberg, Amanda, “Drawing the History of Landscape Design,” The Dirt, Aug. 18, 2010.
*Hoots, Rita, “Illustrated History of Landscape Design,” Sacramento Book Review, Aug. 18, 2010.
*Endicott, Katherine Grace. “Ancient wisdom inwinter: Contemporary gardeners benefit from old ways,” San Francisco Chronicle, December 1, 2004.
*Nassar, Hala F. “Garden and Climate,” in Landscape Journal, vol. 23, no. 1, 2004.
*Andersson, Thorbjorn. “Garden and Climate,” in Arkitektur, 7, November 2004.
*Graham, Marlea. “Garden and Climate,” Eden: Journal of the California Garden and Landscape History Society, vol. 5, no. 4, Winter 2003.
*Greenberg, Katherine. “Garden and Climate,” in Pacific Horticulture, vol. 64, no. 2, April/May/June 2003.
*Taylor, Judith. “Library Notes: Chip Sullivan, Garden and Climate,” Garden Gazette, vol. 76, no. 10, San Francisco Garden Club, April 22, 2003.
Woodward, Joan. “Garden and Climate,” in Landscape Architecture, vol. 92, no. 11, November 2002.
Raver, Anne, [Garden and Climate] “Design Books: Hot Off the Presses and Under the Tree,” New York Times,December, 2002
Mawrey, Gillian. “Gardens in the Sun,” Historic Gardens Review, no. 11, Autumn/Winter2002.
Magallanes, Fernando. “Classic Review: Drawing the Landscape, 2nd edition” in Land Forum 07; Spacemaker Press, 1999.
Brumer, Andy. “Joe Slusky and Chip Sullivan: Drawings” in Drawing Without Models, Wiegand Gallery, College of Notre Dame, Belmont CA, 1999.
Finley, Elizabeth Navas. “What’s New in the Garden: Latest developments reflect the California lifestyle,” San Francisco Chronicle, March 13, 1996.
Grinswold, Mac, “Box Set: Cumberland Park,” in Landscape Architecture, vol. 83, no. 4, April 1993
Stevens, Margaret, “Museum Landscape,” in Landscape Architecture, vol. 82, no. 8, August 1992
Leccese, Michael, “Rome No Holiday, But A Rite of Passage,” in Landscape Architecture, vol. 82, no. 8 August 1992
Fox, Catherine, “Overgrown exhibit forgets Gardens,” The Atlanta Journal/Constitution, October 25, 1991
Arbitman, Kahren, “Transforming the American Garden,” Palmer Museum of Art Bulletin, March-April 1990
Levi Strauss, David, “The Myth of Significant Place,” in Capp Street Project (San Francisco) biennial catalogue, 19989-1990
Noll, Anna C., “Gardens: Real and Imagined,” in Gardens: Real and Imaginedcatalogue, Bernice Steinbaum Gallery, New York, NY, 1989
Thibeau, Alice, “Calendar,” in San Francisco Focus, vol. 36, no. 5, May 1989
Loft Curt, “Artist creates gardens of delight,” Tampa Bay Tribune, May 27, 1987
Drummond, Sarah, “Art Gardens by Design,” in Architectural Digest, vol. 44, no. 4 April 1987
Campbell, Robert, “How their utopian gardens grow,” The Boston Globe, April 8, 1986
Howett, Catherine, “The Garden as Art,” in Places: A Quarterly Journal of Environmental Design, vol. 3, no. 3, 1986
Olin, Lauri, “12 Brillig and Contrary Gardens,” in Places: A Quarterly Journal of Environmental Design, Vol. 3 no. 3, 1986
Phillips, Patricia C. “Transforming the American Garden: 12 New Landscape Designs,” in Artforum, vol. 25, no.1, September 1986
Feinberg, Jean E. “Transforming the American Garden” in Landscape Architecture, vol. 76, no. 4, July/August
Melchert, James, “Annual Exhibition MCMLXXXV,” American Academy in Rome, 1985
- Solo Exhibitions and Installations
Drawings, Paintings and Mixed-Media
# “Cartooning the Landscape,” Atrium Gallery, College of Design, Iowa State University, Ames, April 2018
# “Cartooning the Landscape,” Tent Gallery, Edinburgh College of Art, Edinburgh, Scotland, November 2017
# “Cartooning the Landscape,” Studio 7 Gallery, London, England, August 2017
**“Cartooning the Landscape,” Art + Design Center, UC Berkeley Extension, San Francisco, November 2013
*“Illustrated History of Landscape Design: Text and Drawings,” Adams Studio, MacDowell Colony, Peterborough, NH; April 2009
*“Cartooning the Landscape ,” Acorn Gallery, Center for the Visual Arts, Clemson University, GA April 2008
“Drawings from Garden and Climate,” Builders Booksource, Berkeley CA; May 2002
“Ocular Curiosities,” Artemis Gallery, San Francisco CA; December 2002
“Energy, Fantasy and Form: The Experimental Gardens of Chip Sullivan,” Chang Gallery, Kansas State University, Manhattan KS; March 1997.
“New Forms of the Garden,” Grinnell Community Art Gallery, Grinnell IA; October-November 1992
“Climatics of the Garden,” College of Environmental Design Gallery, UC Berkeley; October 1992
“Landscape Parts,” The LaVerne Krause Gallery, School of Architecture and Allied Arts, University of Oregon, Eugene Oregon; April 1992
“Fabled Assemblages: The Gardens of Chip Sullivan,” William McCarley Gallery, Vancouver BC; February-March 1992
“The Garden of Linnaeus: An Exhibition of Garden Specimens,” 10th Floor Gallery, Facility of Environmental Design, The University of Calgary, Canada; January 1992
“Landscape Parts,” Gallery of Architecture and Landscape Architecture, University of Toronto, Canada; September-October 1991
“Experimental Gardens: Lunettes, Icons and Specimens,” Architecture Hall, University of Washington, Seattle WA, April-May 1991
“Energy and the Garden,” RMOC Headquarters, Ontario Association of Landscape Architects, Ontario Canada, April 1991
“Energy and the Garden,” School of Architecture, McGill University, Montreal Canada, February-March 1991
“Drawings and Constructions,” Gallery 181, College of Design, Iowa State University, Ames IA, November 1990
“The Gardens of Chip Sullivan,” College of Architecture, University of Florida, Gainesville,1983
Site Specific Installations
*Exhibition designer for the “Golden Gate Express,” a large G–Scale garden railroad installed at the Conservatory of Flowers, San Francisco, November, 2008-April 2009
*Three Optical Viewing Devices: “Prismascope, Arborscope and Spectrascope,” Longwood Gardens, Pennsylvania, April through November 2008
“A Civic Center View Chamber,” Exploration City Site, San Francisco CA, Spring 1995
“Landscape Viewing Machine,” San Francisco Flower and Garden Show, Fort Mason, Spring 1991
“Garden of the Four Elements,” Site 375, San Francisco CA; May 1989
“Garden of Linnaeus: An Exhibition of Garden Specimens,” College of Environmental Design, University of California, Berkeley CA; October 1988
“Dioramas,” Barbara Gillman Gallery, Miami FL.; April 1987
“Chip Sullivan: Dioramas,” Hodgell-Gillman Gallery, Tampa FL; May-July 1987
“Double Imperative Landscapes,” Graduate School of Design, Harvard University, Cambridge MA; Nov 1986.
- Group Exhibitions
# Season of Sakura – artists inspired by Miyazaki, Cukui Gallery, San Jose, April 2019
# Too Much Art Men, Place Galeria, Portland, Oregon, March 2019
# Impulse to Draw, Canessa Gallery, San Francisco, November 2018
# Flight of the Spirits – artists inspired by Miyazaki, Cukui Gallery, San Jose, CA, April 2018
**Space Open, Wurster Hall Gallery, UC Berkeley, January 2016
**Sketch: Chicago, American Society of Landscape Architects Annual Meeting and Expo, Chicago, 2015
**Sketch: Denver, American Society of Landscape Architects Annual Meeting and Expo, Denver, 2014
**Slusky & Sullivan: Sculptures, Drawings and Related Antics,Richmond Art Center, June 2014
**Sketch: Boston, American Society of Landscape Architects Annual Meeting and Expo, Boston, 2013
**Exploratory Physiocartographies of Place and Time, Art Alliance Gallery, Austin, TX 2013
**Landscapes of the Western Imagination, Wurster Hall Gallery, UC Berkeley, January 2012
*A Strong Exhibition: Three Decades of Exhibitions, Wiegand Gallery, Notre Dame University, Belmont, California; March-April 2007
*Three Views from Here: Katie Hawkinson, Chip Sullivan, Joseph Slusky, Strange Cargo Art & Collectibles, Locke CA, Summer 2006
*“Viewmaster,” Artemis Gallery, San Francisco, CA 2003
“Garden Vocabulary”inEarthbound: Visual Books about the Landscape, Hampden Gallery, University of Massachusetts, Amherst; 2000
Drawing Without Models, Wiegand Gallery, College of Notre Dame, Belmont CA, January-February 1999
“The Impulse to Draw,” Joseph Slusky and Chip Sullivan, College of Environmental Design Gallery, University of California, Berkeley, January/February 1999
Landscape As Concept, The Steven Oliver Art Center, California College of Arts and Crafts, Oakland CA; 1995
Books as Art,Barbara Gilman Gallery, Miami FL 1993
Word and Image, Pacific Center for the Book Arts, San Francisco Public Library, San Francisco CA, October-November, 1992
Landscape as Art, Corcoran Gallery of Art, Washington DC, May 1992
Il Gardino Italiano: An Exhibition of Italian Gardens and Urban Plazas, Memphis Botanical Garden TN, May 1992
Making Sense out of Non Sense, Environmental Design Gallery, University of California, Davis, January 1991
Bay Area Bookmaking: The Art and Craft Tradition, Oliver Art Center, California College of Arts and Crafts, Oakland CA, January 1991
Mind Sets: Drawings by Joe Slusky and Chip Sullivan,West Side Bakery Café, 1990
The Pacific Center for the Book Arts, Printing Industries Museum, San Francisco CA, February-April 1990
“Garden of Linnaeus”in Gardens Real and Imagined, Bernice Steinbaum Gallery, New York NY, 1989-1990
Show traveled 1990-1993:
Farnsworth Museum, Rockland ME
Trisolini Gallery, Ohio University, Athens OH
University of Arizona Museum of Art, Tucson AZ
Colorado University Art Gallery, Boulder CO
Clemson University, College of Architecture, Clemson SC
Felicitas Foundation Mathas Cultural Center, Escondido CA
Arizona State University Art Museum, Tempe AZ
Art Museum of Couth East Texas, Beaumont TX
Arkansas Art Center, Little Rock, AR
University of Wyoming, Laramie WY
Atlanta College of Art, Atlanta GA
Gallery of Fine Arts, Edison Community College, Fort Meyers FL
University Art Gallery, State University of New York, Albany NY
Washington State University Museum, Pullman WA
Pensacola Museum of Art, Pensacola FL
Phyllis Rothman Gallery, Fairleigh Dickinson University, Madison NJ
Ball State Art Gallery, Muncie IN
Louisiana Arts and Science Center, Nashville TN
Hunter Museum of Art, Chattanooga TN
Cheekwood Fine Arts Center, Nashville TN
Staller Center for the Arts, State University of New York, Stony Brook NY
Distrupting Domesticity: Invention and Intervention in Residential Design, Contemporary Realist Gallery, San Francisco CA, August, 1989
Avant Garde and the Landscape: Exhibition of Projects, Architectural Gallery, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis MN, April 1989
Visions and Revisions, Gallery of Design, College of Architecture, University of Arizona, Tempe AZ, April 1989
Books and Pages: Florida Artist Books, Metro-Dade Main Library Cultural Center, Miami, FL July 1987
“The Garden of the Rose: The Celestial Garden,” in Transforming the American Garden: 12 New Landscape Designs, Harvard University, Graduate School of Design, 1986
Show traveled 1986-1990
The Architectural Center, New York
State Street Bank and Trust Company, Boston MA
Otis Art Institute, Parsons School of Design, Los Angeles
Palmer Museum of Art, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park PA
Boise Art Museum, Boise ID
Annual Exhibition MCMLXXXV, American Academy in Rome, Italy, May 1985
Visual Artists at the American Academy in Rome, American Academy in Rome, Italy, October 1984
Art and Architectural Design, Moosart Gallery, Miami FL, October 1984
Summer Group Show, Façade Gallery, New York NY, June-August 1984
Gardens, Flowers and Vegetables, Façade Gallery, New York, NY April-May 1984
Portfolios in Architecture, Storefront for Art and Architecture, New York NY April-May 1983
Slow Show, The Underground, New York City, April 26, 1983
- Collaborations
* “A New Arcadia: The Perpetual Pastoral,” a garden design installation in collaboration with Elizabeth Boults for the San Francisco Flower and Garden Show, March 2006
“The Flame-O-Rama,” installation with Vince Meyer, in Exhibition of Garden Temples, Lumbini Art Gallery, San Francisco, 1993
Finalists for a site specific installation “The Earth’s Pantograph,” in collaboration with Frances Butler for Explorations City Site, San Francisco Art Commission Gallery, 1993
“Myth of Significant Place,” a site-specific installation in collaboration with Frances Butler; Capp Street Project, San Francisco CA; November-December 1990
“The Earth Tells Its Stories: A Multi-Sensory Environmental Art Work,” winning competition entry in collaboration with Frances Butler for the Merle M. Watson Memorial for the Visually Impaired; Wilkes Community College, Wilkesboro NC; Spring 1990
“Natural Order,” an artist’s book in collaboration with Frances Butler, in Books and Bookends: Sculptural Approaches, Strathmore Hall Arts Center, Rockville MD, 1989
Show traveled 1990
Washington County Museum of Fine Arts, Hagerstown MD
Goucher College, Baltimore MD
Washington College, Chestertown, MD
Peninsula Fine Arts Center, Newport News VA
“Landscape as Theatre,” a set installation in collaboration with Frances Butler for Chekhov’s play, The Cherry Orchard, Museum of Art, UC Berkeley,1988
Chip Sullivan:
Cartooning The Landscape
Chip Sullivan:
Starting The Day
Chip Sullivan:
The Green Imaginarium
Chip Sullivan:
Thirty Years of Sketch Books
Need more Chip Sullivan? Check out:
The Original Landscape Cartoonist
1101 Lake Street at 12th Avenue
San Francisco CA 94118